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Discernment Counseling
Your relationship is on the brink...
Does one of you want to stay in the relationship while the other wants separation or divorce? About 30% of couples seeking counseling have one partner "leaning out" of the relationship (meaning that they want to end the relationship). The "leaning in" partner wants to stay and fix the relationship. Traditional relationship counseling may fail in this situation because of competing agendas. In fact, it could make your situation worse and cost you thousands of dollars. A better option for you is Discernment Counseling.
Discernment counseling is a process designed to help a couple evaluate their relationship and to eliminate any lingering doubts about the right next step: to pursue a divorce, to commit to a 6-month course of intensive marital therapy or to keep the status quo and do nothing. I am certified in this process created by relationship expert Bill Doherty. The work is completed in one to five sessions. Most of the intense counseling is done individually. The format begins with both partners in the session, then each partner meets individually with me and creates a brief summary for the other partner, and finally, we meet together for a summary and a decision about whether to meet again. The goals of these short-term counseling sessions are to 1) help you gain clarity about which direction to take for your marriage, 2) feel confident about your decision, and 3) understand what went wrong and how the relationship could get better (which sets the stage for effective couples counseling.)
Discernment Counseling begins with a phone consultation with each partner. Call to schedule your consultation.
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